Thursday, October 28, 2010

Livin the life!

Well, I didn't get to the soap making I had planned. I might have to do it on the weekend. My grandson has kept me running. It was flu shot clinic & preschool yesterday, by the time we got home and took care of the animals, it was too late. Oh well, I got some cute pic's of our broody banty and her two fostered chicks.  At eight weeks old the chicks are as big as her now. It is funny to see them trying to get under her wings to warm up. I wish the other girls  would start laying again; I am tired of  store bought eggs. I also posted  a pic of the last  of  our black eyed susans. I wish winter wouldn't come, but it always does. We had a hard frost this morning, so it isn't far off before we have snow.

Still no sales in our shops, we have five different venues going, and nothing. It is so discouraging. Ashley and I will keep trying, I added new items this morning to three shops, so we will see if it stirs up any business.

Body Milk

 Some of the new items are just for men, you don't usually see many  bath and beauty items for men in the online shops. I posted some Bamboo and Teak scented body wash, body milk, salt scrub, and a  lotion bar. My husband says the scent is very nice.

Body Wash

I gave my husband a lotion bar for his dry hands a few weeks ago. It has made an amazing difference. I know I use mine regularly, and I am not having cracks and splits anymore. I thought they would be great stocking stuffers, and the low price really                                                            nice.

Lotion Bar

Salt Scrub

Well it is time to start planning dinner... sometimes I have a hard time deciding what to cook. I think I need to plan a menu again. That seems to help me. I don't have to think, just follow the menu. I'm leaning towards pasta with chicken, broccoli
 and parmesan cheese. Everyone seems to eat it, and it is reatively healthy.

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